We Can’t Reach Our Goals as Lone Wolves. We Need Support.

Jen Coken
5 min readJul 14, 2021

We Can’t Reach Our Goals as Lone Wolves. We Need Support.


Humans are not meant to go it alone or fly solo. We need community and connection. Not even if you consider yourself a deep thinker, philosopher, creator or some other being that’s stereotyped as the lone wolf — you are not meant for isolation. Besides, someone has to admire that work of art you just produced.

Truth: If you want to blaze an authentic path and make your dreams come true, you’ll need a support network or a team. This network consists of people who make you laugh, make you think, challenge you and inspire you, all of which contributes to your success. The vision you have for the life you want to lead, the career you want to hold, the dreams you want to actualize, require other people. You can’t do any of it alone. You need people. We all do.

The good news is we have far more team members at our fingertips than we realize. Too often the people I coach draw a blank when I ask the question: “Who is going to help you get across the finish line?” Suddenly, it’s like they don’t know people and they’ve been living on a deserted…

